What is DevOps for Marketing

What is DevOps? A Primer for Marketers

So you want to know what is DevOps? It starts with the practice of Agile with technical teams, which has transformed how software is built, tested, and deployed with velocity. That means fast. Gone are the monthly or quarterly big releases, because those who develop and test the code are increasingly alongside the team that … Continue reading What is DevOps? A Primer for Marketers

Impostor Syndrome in Business Psychology

How to Prevent Impostor Syndrome from Infecting Your Team

If you are a reader of the business press like I am, you may be wondering why the sudden fascination with "impostor syndrome?" Where did this epidemic come from? Because I consider myself a student of the of peak performance psychology, I got under the hood to figure this out. Words Bring Power. Or It … Continue reading How to Prevent Impostor Syndrome from Infecting Your Team

Executive dashboards for data

Executive dashboards should track “Run Rate” and “Runway”

With a premium paid to teams who demonstrate "velocity," the temptation to pass on the here and now exists everywhere for today’s leaders. However, because of that, a failure to have your finger on the pulse of today exposes you to a disastrous decision that takes your future way off course. That's why you need … Continue reading Executive dashboards should track “Run Rate” and “Runway”